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Have you found yourself wondering if a heat pump is the right solution for your home? Do you have questions about how a heat pump works, perhaps because you’re buying a home with one of these installed? Depending on your personal needs, you may find that a heat pump is a good alternative to a separate furnace and air conditioner. Not only are these easy to maintain, but they’re also energy efficient.

A heat pump uses electricity to move heat from a cool space to a warm space, which results in making the cool space cooler and the warm space warmer.[i] For example, during the winter months, the heat pump takes heat from the cool outdoor weather into your warm house. Conversely, during the summer months, the pump moves the heat from your home to the outdoors. Isn’t this the same thing as a furnace or AC? While the final result may be the same, there are some major differences. Most importantly, heat pumps are designed to move heat as opposed to generating heat.

The Three Types of Heat Pumps
If you’re interested in installing a heat pump in your home, learn more about your three primary options:

  • Air to air
  • Water source
  • Geothermal

Air to air heat pumps are the most common, with these units transferring heat between your home and the air outside. Not only are these more energy efficient than a traditional HVAC system, but they also provide better dehumidifying performance. Water source and geothermal heat pumps are one in the same and are also referred to as ground source.

These pumps work by transferring heat between your home and a nearby water source and/or the ground. It’s a more costly system, but they’re more affordable to operate because they rely heavily on consistent water or ground temperatures.

Check the Features
There’s more to buying a heat pump than deciding what type is best for your home. You must also consider the features, just as you would with a furnace or air conditioner.
Here are some examples:

Variable speed motor: This helps keep fans moving the air at a comfortable speed, which also saves you money.
Desuperheater: With this feature, a heat pump can also be used to heat your home’s water.
Scroll compressor: This type of compressor is quieter and more durable than the more well-known piston compressor.
Back-up burners: Heat pumps with this feature are able to provide supplemental heat, when necessary.

Final Thoughts on Heat Pumps
With the information above, you should have a better understanding of how heat pumps work, the most common types, and the features that could have you strongly considering this option for your home.
If you have questions about heat pump installation or need service on your current system, don’t hesitate to contact us. We can schedule an appointment, visit your home, and ensure that all your questions are answered and concerns are addressed.

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