Variable Refrigerant Flow (VRF) Systems and Technology

Electric Variable Refrigerant Flow (VRF) technology stands out as the rapidly expanding sector within the commercial HVAC industry. Throughout the United States, developers and property owners are recognizing the advantages of VRF heating and cooling systems in fortifying their buildings for the future and trimming operational expenses.

VRF technology effectively divides a building into tailored zones, prioritizing both comfort and energy efficiency. By eliminating the reliance on fossil fuels, an all-electric VRF system accomplishes heating and cooling by circulating refrigerant between an outdoor unit and the ductless or ducted indoor unit(s) in each zone. A single outdoor unit can accommodate up to 50 indoor units.

These zones feature individualized set points determined by factors such as usage, occupancy, typical solar loads, and user preferences. Facility managers can empower occupants to personalize comfort within their zones while maintaining the capability to optimize overall heating and cooling through centralized equipment control. VRF controls seamlessly integrate with building automation systems using standard communication protocols like BACnet®.

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