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The Smarter Main Panel Upgrade

A home’s electrical panel will need to be replaced or upgraded for a variety of reasons, including installing new appliances, adding electric vehicle charging, meeting current electrical codes, or improving safety.

Adding a SPAN smart panel to your home can help you save money on your energy bills and be fully prepared for future home upgrades—all at a reduced lifetime cost of ownership, and a similar installation cost to that

of a traditional electrical panel.

If you’re planning on making any major home energy upgrades—such as installing a heat pump HVAC system, water heater, EV charger, solar panels or battery backup—now is the time to prepare your 
 home by replacing your electrical panel with

a SPAN smart panel.

Upgrading your electrical panel is a once-in-a-lifetime decision. Don’t settle for outdated technology; choose SPAN, the most innovative home energy management solution available today.

Harness your power with SPAN, and take control 
 of your energy independence.

Save with home energy insights

Monitor & control every circuit

Prepare your home for future electrical upgrades

The SPAN Advantage

The traditional electrical panel hasn’t been improved upon in nearly 100 years. Take command of your energy and step into a smarter energy future with SPAN.

SPAN Panel

Save on energy bills

Visibility of your energy usage at the circuit level and Amazon Alexa on/off scheduling helps you make smarter decisions to save on your energy bills.

Learn from deep energy insights

360-degree view of your home’s energy from a smartphone or tablet helps you save more.

Control circuits from anywhere

Real-time on/off control over every circuit in the home from the SPAN Home App for iOS and Android devices.

Add value to your home

SPAN unlocks future home upgrades like heat pumps, water heaters, EV charging, solar and battery backup with a single cost for installation, helping homeowners avoid expensive utility service upgrades.

Gain peace of mind

Leverage SPAN consumption data to monitor appliance energy use and take action when needed.

Traditional panel

No savings opportunities

Basic circuit breaker functionality that doesn’t enable reduced consumption for energy savings.

Zero visibility

No energy insights or actionable home data; no smartphone or tablet app dashboard.

Manual breaker control

Circuit breakers can only be managed at the panel.

Future upgrade costs & disruptions

Additional (often high) installation costs required when adding new electrical loads to your home.

No monitoring capabilities

No consumption data on appliance energy use.

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