I was quoted $573 to clean my mini split system.
I explained it was one condenser and four heads and had mold in it.
When the technician showed up, he told me the price was gonna be $1000 because there were 4 heads, and overall $1900 cause the system required“a deep clean“ because of the mold, (which we told the company and got the original $573 quote).
When they sent me an email quote , It was only gonna cover three heads, not the four that I have.
So I called and asked to speak with a manager to explain Question why they weren’t four heads on the quote.
The following day, I had someone claiming to be the operation manager of the business named Fari, she was rude condescending, and every time I tried to speak she cut me off midsentence and clearly didn’t listen to me at all.
I did my best to keep asking her to de-escalate the situation And she mocked me.
She repeatedly asked and argued with me about how many heads I had, and when I told her there were four she repeatedly said the technician says there are three so that’s why he sent you that quote.
I explained… I have told your company every time I called , and that you’ve been here, that there are four heads. So can you give me a quote for the four heads.
It took her 15 minutes, and asked me seven times how many heads there were in the system.
And finally came up with a quote of around $2600.
Then she told me I was being rude for questioning her and hung up the phone.
This officially losing an existing customer.
I have contacted 3 other mini split cleaning companies, and I was able to get quotes from two people with great reviews, to clean the entire forehead system for less than $700 , The third company did not get back to me.
I cannot in good conscious recommend this company