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National Grid is offering a $1,000 rebate on high-efficiency heat-pump water heaters (HPWH) to help defray the cost of purchase and installation. The rebate is available only to Massachusetts residents who live in the service area of a participating utility provider, and who purchase one of 22 different models of heat pump water heaters that meet National Grid’s specific program requirements.

Qualifying HPWH units include those that have an ENERGY STAR listing, an energy factor of at least 2.3, a first-hour rating of at least 60 gallons, a minimum capacity of at least 50 gallons, and the manufacturer must provide a warranty of at least 10 years.

National Grid provides a list of qualifying units on its website, and the rebate is available to customers who are replacing an electric resistance water heater unit or choosing a HPWH for a brand new installation. Program rules also indicate that a licensed Massachusetts plumber must install the new HPWH unit. Self-installations will not qualify for this rebate program. A complete list of program rules and qualifying conditions are available at the National Grid website.

If you had a HPWH unit installed after January 1, 2012, your purchase may be eligible for this rebate program if your installed unit meets all program rules.

Heat pump water heaters can represent an excellent opportunity to save money because they are not only energy efficient, but also the program is designed to encourage replacement of older, inefficient electric water heaters. As a rule, electric appliances consume more energy than gas counterparts, but the HPWH unit represents an opportunity to retain an electric service. It’s an especially attractive option for homeowners who do not have ready access to natural gas or other alternative fuels.

Many retailers are offering qualifying HPWH units at special sale prices. These prices are so attractive that you may be able to recover most or all of the cost of the unit. In other cases, the homeowner’s total out-of-pocket costs will not exceed the cost of a traditional water heater.

If you are interested in taking advantage of this rebate program, or want more information about heat pump water heaters and how they may work for your home, please contact us at Boston Standard Plumbing & Heating at (617) 362-0377 . We’ll be happy to arrange a consultation. We’ll also help you choose a qualifying HPWH unit and work with you to claim your rebate.

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DIY Blog, DIY Heating, DIY Plumbing, Water Heaters

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