Local homeowners and business owners can take advantage of a new program designed to help reduce the cost of making Boston home heating and cooling repairs and home improvements that reduce a home’s energy consumption. The MASS Save program (masssave.com), which is available to homeowners and business owners throughout Massachusetts, provides rebates and tax credits to help homeowners pay for energy audits and complete energy-saving repairs and upgrades.
The program provides rebates and tax incentives, low-cost long-term financing for major improvements, and instant coupons that can be used to lower the cost of purchasing energy-efficient appliances and lighting. Depending upon your income level, some repair and upgrade work may be completed at no cost to you.
To find out what programs are available to you, visit the MASSSave.com Web site and enter your city or ZIP code. For some types of repairs or upgrades, you may also need to identify the type of home heating equipment you currently use.
Examples of program rebates and incentives include a 75% rebate of up to $2,000 to help defray the cost of completing the audit’s requirements. This audit, performed by a trained professional, can help you better understand how you can reduce your energy consumption and improve the living environment in your home.
Other program incentives include a $300 rebate for installing a high-efficiency indirect water heater; a $300-$400 rebate for installing an ENERGY STAR® qualified central air conditioner or heat pump; a $500 rebate for installing a qualifying ENERGY STAR® rated ductless mini-split heat pump or air conditioner; installing a high-efficiency propane or heating oil system; a $100 rebate for installing weather-responsive controls for oil or propane-fired hot water heat systems; a $25 rebate on the purchase of a 7-day programmable thermostat (limit 2); a rebate of 75% (max: $2,000) on insulation upgrades; and rebates of between $200 and $1,600 on high efficiency furnaces, boilers, and control units.
I’ll put more information in future posts, but if you’re interested in replacing, repairing or upgrading your home’s current heating or cooling equipment, contact Boston Standard Plumbing at (617) 288-2911 for more information about how you can take advantage of these outstanding incentives.
DIY Air Conditioning, DIY Blog, DIY Heating