This is a little tip from one of our top technicians, Chris. On a central-air service call in Cambridge, he encountered a homeowner who hadn’t changed their HVAC filter for 2 years! I’m sure you can imagine that this isn’t any good for the system that is responsible for making you comfortable!
So for this upcoming season, set a date with your central-air system (or now if you just realized you’ve been bad to your HVAC system!) to change the air filter. Air filters are pretty cheap- we recommend you buy them by the case and keep them in plain sight. If you find that your indoor air quality is poor, consider using the white, pleated filters instead of the really cheapo blue ones. The blue filters usually are only good for 30 days, while the pleated filters last for about 90 days.
So, why should you do this? You can clog your heat exchanger, your AC evaporator coil & cause tons of stress on your system if you don’t! This simple maintenance can save a bunch of money- and who doesn’t want more money in their pocket?
DIY Air Conditioning, DIY Blog, Tips and Tricks