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As the cold air of winter gives way to spring and summer temperatures, it’s safe to say you’ll no longer require the service of your furnace. But that doesn’t mean you should simply turn it off at the thermostat and think nothing of it until next year. That approach can cost you time and money when the fall season arrives.

So, what’s the right way to shut down your furnace this spring? Here are some basic steps to take:

1. Turn your furnace off
You’ll be using your air conditioner in the spring and summer, not your furnace. You must turn your furnace off before turning your AC on. Do the following:

  • Set your thermostat to cool so it controls your AC, not your furnace.
  • If you have a gas furnace, turn off the gas intake at the unit itself.
  • Turn off the furnace using the on/off switch.

Tip: Don’t shut down your furnace until you’re 100 percent sure that warm temperatures are here to stay.

2. Protect your furnace
Turning off your furnace is the most important task, but you should also take steps to protect it throughout the summer season. Here are a few tips to guide you: Keep the area around your furnace clean and clear. As a general rule of thumb, plan for three feet of space in all directions. Watch for falling items. For example, if you store items in the same room as your furnace is housed, be careful about where and how you place them. In addition to leaving three or more feet of space, don’t store items in a position where they could easily fall and cause damage.

Change your HVAC filter. It’s easy to forget about this during the summer months, as the filter is located in your furnace. But remember, it’s still used to filter the air before it travels through your home’s ductwork.

3. Address any problems now, not later
Since you won’t be using your furnace for a few months, it’s natural to put off problem areas for the time being. That’s especially true if you already have to put money into keeping your AC running efficiently. However, taking this approach can cause you more headaches in the long run.

If your furnace isn’t operating efficiently, have it checked. If you smell gas, have it checked. If it’s making strange sounds, have it checked. You get the point. There’s never a good time to ignore a problem with your furnace. You know a repair is coming at some point, so you might as well get it out of the way for peace of mind.

At Boston Standard Plumbing, we’re happy to visit your home, inspect your furnace, and close it down for summer. And while we’re there, we can also tune up your air conditioning system to ensure that it keeps you cool over the next few months.

Contact us online or via phone at (617) 362-0377 to learn more about our services and/or schedule an appointment.

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