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In a new report released last week, the Environmental Protection Agency says that the nation must invest nearly $400 billion in infrastructure designed to transport, treat and store clean drinking water for about 300 million Americans. The report is the product of a survey required by Congress every four years to monitor the health and safety of the nation’s drinking water systems.

According to the report, the biggest investment by far is required in distribution and transportation of treated water. The report estimates that nearly 65% of the total $400 billion should be directed toward replacing aging pipes in municipal systems, many of which are between 50 and 100 years old. The report indicates that many municipal systems are reaching or have already reached the end of their useful lives, and that failure to invest in upgrades to these systems could put the nation’s tap water at risk.

Clean drinking water isn’t the only concern in the Boston area. Last month, most of the Boston Harbor beaches were given high marks for water quality and cleanliness, due in large part to long-term remediation efforts to control illegal sewage discharges directly into the ocean. Areas of continuing concern include Tenean Beach in Dorchester and King’s Beach in Swampscott. High fecal bacterial counts have forced regular summertime closures of these two beaches in recent years, although like other Boston-area beaches, even these locations are showing significant improvement.

Protecting water quality in Boston, for both drinking and recreation, is exceptionally important. Boston Standard Plumbing & Heating can help you maintain the water quality in and around your home. Inside your home, we can recommend and install whole-house or under-the-sink water filtration systems that will help ensure that the water you use for drinking, cooking and washing is clean and healthy.

We can also help you correct sewer and drainage problems outside your home, especially in areas adjacent to the harbor where hazardous sewage discharges may contaminate the Bay. Our team of licensed plumbers can diagnose and correct sewage discharge problems in either residential or commercial buildings, and ensure that your sewage is discharged correctly into the municipal sewer or safely into a septic system.

We also offer full-service sewer line cleaning and repair services. If you’ve experienced a sewage backup, call us at (617) 362-0377 to set up a video inspection of your home’s sewer lines. We can locate damage and deterioration due to tree root invasions or the age of the sewer line. We can also provide complete sewer line repair and replacement services.
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