National Grid has announced that it will be modifying or eliminating portions its 2015 CoolSmart rebate program for certain covered appliances. Lower rebates will take effect April 20, 2015. You still have time to take advantage of the higher rebates until then, however. The National Grid CoolSmart rebate program requires a certified installer to conduct a home energy audit. Both the audit and the installation must be complete by April 19 to qualify for the higher rebate amounts.
National Grid has lowered rebates on the following items:
• Ductless mini-splits
• Heat pump water heaters
The current rebate amount on these appliances range from $250 to $750. Beginning April 20, these rebate amounts will be lowered to $150-$400. In 2014, the Early Air Conditioning/Heat Pump replacement program provided rebates of up to $1,000 on qualifying units. This program has been eliminated. QIV installations currently qualify for a $150 rebate. Beginning April 20, this rebate is also eliminated.
Also, please note that these changes affect the National Grid/CoolSmart rebates. They do not affect the MassCEC Early Boiler Replacement and Early Furnace Replacement rebates. The remaining CoolSmart rebates can still be combined with other rebate programs to maximize your credits. If you are considering the addition of a ductless mini-split air conditioner or heat pump system, there is still time to claim the higher rebate amount, but you must act quickly. Give us a call at Boston Standard Plumbing & Heating at (617) 288-2911 to schedule a home energy audit visit. We can provide installation services and help you file your rebate claim, too.
DIY Air Conditioning, DIY Blog, DIY Heating, DIY Plumbing