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Boston Standard Plumbing & Heating is a proud sponsor of Girls, Inc. of Lynn. Girls, Inc., of Lynn provides programs and resources to more than 1,000 local girls from low-income homes and families, and is dedicated to improving the lives of girls and by extension, the communities in which they live.
Girls, Inc., of Lynn provides programs to help girls overcome barriers to lifetime success, and creates a positive environment in which girls interact with trained mentors. Participants learn how to succeed academically, socially, physically, economically, and culturally, and are given opportunities to explore their interests in science, technology, engineering and math (STEM).
Summer programs help disadvantaged girls maintain their academic achievements when school is not in session. Year-round programs allow girls to explore STEM subjects, and to develop academic and career pathways in these areas. Teen programs help participants become peer leaders and explore college and career opportunities.
Girls, Inc. advocates for girls, and seeks out ways to improve their lives by addressing critical issues that can severely diminish a girl’s quality of life, including dropping out of school and early pregnancies. About half of the girls served by Girls, Inc. of Lynn come from households with average annual incomes below $25,000. About 55% of the girls served come from single-parent households.
Boston Standard Plumbing & Heating is proud to support the work of Girls, Inc., of Lynn. If you would like more information about Girls, Inc. of Lynn, please visit their website at If you would like more information about us, please visit our website at Boston Standard Plumbing or give us a call at (617) 288-2911 anytime!

DIY Air Conditioning, DIY Blog, DIY Heating, DIY Plumbing

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